
ENEA Wytwarzanie and its subsidiaries and ENEA Ciepło as of 31 December 2018

 Installed electrical capacity
Attainable electrical capacity 
Installed heating capacity 
Installed RES capacity
Kozienice Power Plant 4,071.8 4,016.0 125.4  
Połaniec Power Plant 1,837.0 1,882.0 130.0 230.0
Bardy, Darżyno and Baczyna (Lubno I and Lubno II) wind farms 71.6 70.1 00.0 70.1
Liszkowo and Gorzesław biogas plants 3.8 3.8 3.1 3.1
Hydroelectric plants 58.8 55.8 00.0 55.8
MEC Piła 10.0 10.0 135.3  
PEC Oborniki 00.0 00.0 30.4  
ENEA Ciepło (Białystok Heat and Power Plant) 1 203.5 156.6 684.09 55.0
Total [gross] 6,256.6 6,194.3 1,108.29 414.0
  1. Since 30 November 2018 Elektrociepłownia Białystok has been a part of ENEA Ciepło.


  1. The day of decommissioning is planned to be 31 December of the year indicated in the table.
  2. Sources in ENEA Heat from 30 November 2018.
  3. Condensing turbine unit powered by extractions from U2 and U3.
  4. Boiler in modernisation. Boiler conversion to gas fuel.