ENEA Group Risk Committee 

The key authority in the risk management process at ENEA Group is the Risk Committee. The Committee is an interdisciplinary body composed of the representatives of key business areas at ENEA Group who represent all key companies of the Group.

Members of ENEA Group Risk Committee

The Risk Committee is composed of dedicated members of the Management Board of ENEA S.A. and its Subsidiaries within the Group as well as ENEA S.A. department directors in charge of risk management, audit and Compliance.

Powers of the Risk Committee

For the Risk Management and Compliance Area:

  1. Giving recommendations to ENEA Management Board on approving the policies governing the process of managing risks, business continuity, insurances, and compliance with approval of any relevant updates.
  2. Accepting and analysing information received from Content Management Units in the area of managing risks, business continuity, and insurances.
  3. Providing opinion on annual reports on the Compliance Policy implementation which are submitted to ENEA Management Board for approval.
  4. Accepting semi-annual reports on the Compliance Policy ongoing implementation and preparing recommendations as to the Compliance Policy implementation.
  5. Issuing of binding interpretation (construction) of the Compliance Policy provisions.
  6. Approving the operating documentation governing the process of managing risks, insurances, and business continuity with approval of any relevant updates (strategies, procedures, methodologies, tools, instructions, guidelines, etc.).
  7. Making decisions on the issues which include, without limitation:
  • Issues resulting from the documentation governing the area of managing risks, business continuity, and insurances
  • Giving a consent to the deviations from the rules set out in the documentation governing the areas listed in the item above
  • Giving a consent for the member companies of ENEA Group to sign contracts based on foreign law or on the settlement currency other than the Polish zloty (save for EFET framework contracts and related suretyships agreements in the case where they meet all the following conditions at the same time: the governing law is the German law, the prevailing language is English, the disputes are settled before the arbitration court, and the settlement currency is EUR or PLN)

For the Market Regulation Area:

  1. Issuing guidelines concerning the presentation of the position and undertaking negotiation, regulatory, and lobbying activities in favour of ENEA Group companies in the scope of market regulations.
  2. Setting the direction and scope of the analysis of the impact of market regulations on development and investment plans and strategy of ENEA Group.
  3. Receiving and analysing information from the Market Regulation Area received from the Substantive Entities.