The remuneration rules for Members of Supervisory Board of ENEA S.A. in effect in 2018 have been implemented by virtue of a resolution of the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting of 15 December 2016. 

Pursuant to the provisions of the abovementioned resolution of the EGM, the monthly remuneration of the Supervisory Board Members was determined as the product of the average monthly remuneration in the enterprise sector, exclusive of distribution of profit in Q4 of the preceding year, published by the President of GUS and the following multiplier:

  • for Chairman of the Supervisory Board – 1.7
  • for other Supervisory Board Members – 1.5

The resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting further stipulates that:

  1. the Supervisory Board Members are entitled to the abovementioned remuneration regardless of the number of meetings convened 
  2. the remuneration shall not be due for the month during which the Supervisory Board Member was not present at any of the duly convened meetings and such absence was not excused