Contracted capacity obligations

Estimated revenues from the capacity market

  1. Non-indexed value.

ENEA Połaniec S.A. participated in all the aforementioned processes and, as a result, concluded 2 capacity contracts for 5-year delivery periods 2021-2025, for Units No. 2 and No. 7. This results from the strategy of ENEA Group approved by decisions of the Management Board of ENEA S.A. before individual main auctions. The remaining units, with the exception of Unit No. 9, have been notified to participate in the secondary market. By decision of ENEA Group’s Steering Committee on the Capacity Market, a contract will be concluded between ENEA Wytwarzanie and ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec on joint operation on the capacity market and mutual stand-by.

ENEA Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o. also participated in all the aforementioned processes and, as a result, concluded:

1. Nine capacity contracts for 5-year delivery periods 2021-2025, for Units Nos. 1-10 excluding Unit No. 3,
2. One power contract for a 15-year delivery period of 2021-2035 for Unit No. 11,
3. 1-year capacity contracts for delivery years 2021, 2022 and 2023, for three Capacity Market units from the RES Segment (Water) with the total capacity of 37.1 MW.

These assumptions resulted from the strategy of ENEA Group approved by decisions of the Management Board of ENEA S.A. prior to individual main auctions. Unit No. 3 and coal units in Białystok Heat and Power Plant and MEC Piła have been notified to participate in the secondary market.