- 6.3 GW of installed electrical capacity
- 384 million tonnes – extraction potential of 3 licenced areas
- 122.8 thousand km of distribution lines including connections
- 16.5 thousand Employees
- 2.5 million Customers
- 2.6 million Users of distribution services

2018 financials
- PLN 12,673 million of net sales revenue
- PLN 2,348 million of EBITDA
- PLN 719 million of net profit
- PLN 2,307 million of CAPEX

Targets until 2025
- 75% own coal consumption
- 5.8-6.3 GW of conventional electrical power installed
- 20.1 TWh of electricity sale
- EBITDA of PLN 2,939 million (an increase of 38% on 2015)