- Obtaining new licences:
- application for new mining licences in K-6 and K-7 areas
- Maintenance of the machinery stock - purchase and assembly of machines and equipment
- Operating investments - execution of more than 37.0 km of new excavations
- Other development and replacement investments:
- replacement investments in Zakład Przeróbki Mechanicznej Węgla, i.a. upgrades of steel structures and an electromagnetic separator development project, development of a gas extraction system from welding stations
- power, telecommunication, and mechanical installations
ENEA Wytwarzanie
- On 30 March 2018, upgrade work within the project - Upgrade of the Stator from Unit 8 for reserve - was completed. The Institute of Power Engineering has drawn up an oversight report; the report has been received. The project has been completed successfully and timely
- The work on project - Upgrade of Unit No. 10 as part of the 2 x 500 MW Units Upgrade Programme was finished, the Final Acceptance Report for the construction work was signed on 22 May 2018 and the investment was transferred to Company’s assets
- Continued development of the SCR installation along with an upgrade of electrostatic dust precipitators for Units No. 9 and No. 10 as part of the 2 x 500 MW Units Upgrade Programme
- Completion of on-site works and execution of tests and start- ups in accordance with the schedule – upgrade of Unit No. 6: on 6 October 2018, synchronisation of Unit No. 6; on 9 October 2018, completed test run of Unit. 6
- The FGD installation for K7 and K8 boilers in Białystok Heat and Power Plant was transferred to the Company's assets
ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec
- Launch of the SCR installation on Unit No. 4
- Phoenix project for Unit No. 5 – Contracts concluded for modernisation of the turbine generator part, started prefabrication. Contract signed for the construction of the SCR installation. The tender process for the boiler part is in progress
- Completion of a series of investments related to the expansion, automation and modernisation of stations and power grids, including those related to the connection to the grid, as well as to the modernisation of stations, including the redevelopment of the Main Transformer Stations Zdroje and Dąbie along with the development of the 100kV line Dąbie-Zdroje, upgrade of Main Transformer Station Żary, development of Main Transformer Stations Choszczno II and Recz along with the development of 100kV line Choszczno II-Recz
- Continuation of ongoing investments and launching new investments to be implemented in 2019 and in the following years
- Continuation of the improvement of processes for connecting Customers to the power grid
- Continuation of development of IT tools supporting network management