Capital expenditure in 2018

Capital expenditure [PLN m]FY 2017FY 2018Status of plan
Plan for 2019
Generation 1,094.7 430.2 72.2% 619.1
Distribution 1,022.3 1,0000.4 103.5% 1,011.5
Mining 373.4 463.1 93.4% 580.5
Support and other 86.6 81.8 33.3% 157.6
Equity investments 53.1 331.3 287.3% 252.4
TOTAL Plan implementation 2,630.1 2,306.8 95.3% 2,621.1
Other 1 1,556.8 0.0 - -
TOTAL ENEA Group's expenditures 4,186.9 2,306.8 95.3% 2,621.1
  1. Equity investments not included in ENEA Group’s Material and Financial Plan.